Last Updated Friday, July 30, 2004 at 11:21 PM EST
About the eBlog Project
I got tired of looking around for a good PHP and MySQL blogging system that includes a rich text editor and several other features that I have grown to like off of other blogging websites (Xanga). This is my attempt at a robust CMS system for blogging.
Development Status - July 30, 2004

I've started the "Outline" of the eBlog project which can be seen here. Any developers or anyone for that matter that would like to help me in writing this, lemme know.

View Outline

How Can I Help?
• Subscribe to the Mailing List and give suggestions, comments, or whatever!
• E-Mail me at with suggestions or e-mail one of the developers.
Donate! I'm not sure why you would, but heck, money would inspire me to get things done quicker! Then again I'd hafto split it with the other developers, so I'll probably only end up with a quarter or so...pooey.
• Visit the Project Information page and check it out!
• Stay tuned! This website will be changing daily (hopefully) and if not that, then atleast weekly with new updates, so be sure to check.
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